"Do all that you have in mind," his armor-bearer said. "Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul."
So this verse comes from 1 Samuel 14.
Saul is king of Israel right now and he's getting ready to take on the Philistines, an army of 30,000 chariots, 6,000 men on horses and innumerable foot soldiers, with only 600 men with two swords and garden tools.
HOLY COW. That's insane. I mean, Saul's people must have been TERRIFIED.
And in the midst of all this fear and chaos, Saul's son, Jonathan looks at his armor bearer and says: “Come, let’s go over to the Philistine outpost on the other side,” Then leaves without telling his dad.
I think, just in case, I should define what an armor bearer is.. They're really intense people.
An armor bearer, in so many words, is a soldier's right hand man. It was the armor bearer's job to shield the soldier when needed, handle the warrior's weapons, prepare and serve food to the soldier, provide medical care to the warrior when injured and much more. An armor bearer was at his soldier's side at all times guarding and taking care of him. That sounds like an extremely close, intimate and trusted friendship.
And as Jonathan directs his armor bearer to go and try to defeat a huge chunk of a massive army by themselves, you know what his armor bearer's response is?
"Do all that you have in mind. Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul."
That one line just hits me so so hard in the chest.
What a beautiful, crazy friendship.
Do you guys have a friend who would look you in the eye as you suggest doing something CRAZY stupid and say: "Go ahead and do it. But you won't be alone in this because I am behind you 100% percent,"?
I do, and her name is Lucy Hayes.
She is the best friend anyone could ever ask for.
I am seriously so blessed by her everyday. Although we haven't know each other since birth or faced an entire army by ourselves, I've grown so much because of my friendship with you. She challenges me to dream big dreams, push farther and harder into my relationship with God, and supports me when I have to make tough sacrifices and decisions in my life.
She is that friend that when I suggest something crazy to, like, face an entire army by myself crazy, she just looks at me, smiles and says: "Let's do this. Do all the you have in mind, Nikki. I am with you fully. Heart and soul."
BUT, you know what the best part of the whole story in Samuel is? The fact that they win.
God saw their faith and dedication to fight for Him and with each other and blessed that. Many Philistines fell by the hands of Jonathan and his armor bearer that day. In 1 Samuel 14 it says, 'So on that day the Lord saved Israel, and the battle moved on beyond Beth Aven."
Same goes to me and my battles because of Lucy.
So much success and victory in my life has come from her encouraging me in my faith and life. When I can't carry on or I don't have enough faith in God, she stands there with me and picks me up and borrows me some of her faith.
AHHH, I've just been feeling so so so so thankful for Lucy lately. I am SO blessed to have her.
And I want to encourage all of you to find yourself an armor bearer and pursue God together with the hearts, faith, bravery and recklessness that Jonathan and his armor bearer had and did.
Find someone special and do life with them. I can't even begin to list the rewarding things that come out of having a radical best friend like that.
Don't do this crazy thing called life alone.
I believe we are all meant to have an armor bearer in life, you dig?
Anyways. Lucy, this is for you. I love you. Thank you for everything.